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MS/HS Parent & Student Agreements 2025-2026

Mission Statement: CHEB exists to glorify God bringing homeschool families together to encourage parents, support students, and provide educational and fellowship opportunities.

Introduction: This Parent Agreement outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both CHEB and our members for the successful academic and spiritual growth of students. By enrolling your child at CHEB, you agree to uphold these standards and work in partnership with us to provide a nurturing, Christian environment. Parents are ultimately their student's teacher and make the final determination on grades and level of course completion, and parents are responsible for maintaining their own student attendance records and transcripts.

1. Christian Faith and Values

We believe that faith and education go hand in hand. As a Christian co-operative, we seek to honor God in all aspects of our curriculum, relationships, and activities.

  • Commitment to Faith: Parents acknowledge the school's commitment to biblical principles in teaching and student life. While we come from many different denominations, we generally respect the tenants of our host church, Tates Creek Christian Church. TCCC Beliefs

  • Support of Christian Values: Parents agree to support the integration of Christian values in their child’s education, both in school and at home.

  • Church Attendance: We encourage families to be actively involved in a local Christian church.

2. Academic Expectations

We strive for excellence in education and encourage all students to reach their full academic potential.

  • Support for Learning: CHEB instructors will assign work for students to complete during the week. Parents will support their child’s academic efforts by helping with homework, ensuring timely completion of assignments, and fostering an attitude of responsibility. Parents agree to stay advised on their students performance/grades via their students’ Canvas accounts. Repeated late or missed assignments may affect a student's enrollment in subsequent classes.

  • Communication: Parents agree to maintain open communication with teachers and school staff regarding their child’s academic progress, check emails from CHEB, and respond to communications from administrators or instructors in a timely manner. Students are encouraged to email teachers directly with questions or concerns regarding assignments. Parents will keep CHEB updated in writing on any email, address, phone, or medical changes promptly.

  • Attendance and Punctuality: Parents agree to ensure that their child arrives at school on time and maintains good attendance. If absence is necessary, parents will notify the administrators and instructors in advance. Students are expected to continue with their lessons and consult their Canvas account for information on new assignments. Instructors may email you with further instructions.  Five (5) or more absences during the semester, may affect a student's enrollment in subsequent classes.

3. Student Code of Conduct

We aim to foster a respectful, kind, and disciplined environment in accordance with biblical teachings.  I agree to uphold the school’s code of conduct, which includes:

  • Respect:  

    • I will show respect to teachers,TCCC staff, fellow students, and property. 

    • I will be respectful, accepting, and encouraging of others (I will not intentionally embarrass, humiliate, or hurt the self-esteem of another person).

    • In addition to the goal of academic excellence, I understand that my purpose in attending classes at CHEB includes glorifying God, honoring my parents, encouraging others, and having fun.

  • Behavior:

    • I will guard my tongue and be careful not to curse or misuse God’s name.

    • I will refrain from any illegal, immoral, or unhealthy activity while at CHEB or CHEB sponsored activities.

    • I will follow the instructions of the teachers, administrators, TCCC Staff, and parent volunteers, realizing that they are responsible for my safety and the safety of the group.

    • I will do my part in helping keep the facility clean and will pick up after myself..

    • I will refrain from aggressive physical contact with other students. I will not make threatening comments or gestures towards others. 

  • Phone and Devices: I understand cell phones, tablets, laptops and other devices are not allowed to be used in classrooms unless specified by the teacher (ie yearbook or computer programming class). Personal devices may be used by individuals during study hall, lunch and between classes, but I will not share screens to show content to another student.

  • Class Participation:

    • I agree to attend and actively participate in class and to complete assignments in a timely manner to the best of my ability.

    • I will check my email and Canvas accounts regularly to keep up with my assignments.

    • I will not use earbuds or headphones in any class except study hall or lunch.

    • I will communicate with my instructors when I will be absent or my absence will be considered unexcused. Unexcused absences can result in dismissal.

  • Sign-in/out: I agree to sign in upon arrival and to sign out when leaving the facility. I understand I am expected to sign-out even if returning later in the day for another class. I understand that I am not permitted to leave the TCCC campus during class time, study hall, or between classes.

  • Parking Lot: I will not hang out for an extended period of time in the parking lot with friends between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., and no one who is not a CHEB member is allowed to spend time in the parking lot socializing (ie. friends who drive me to class) beyond the time required to drop off and pick up.

  • Student Drivers: If I drive to CHEB classes, I will drive cautiously in the parking lot, or I may lose the privilege of driving myself and others to classes.

I understand that violations of this Code of Conduct or other rules set out by teachers or other adults in charge may result in:

  • Temporary dismissal for the day

  • Dismissal for the remainder of the semester (with no refund of fees)

  • Permanent dismissal

  • Being required to pay the costs of any repairs necessary due to damage to property

  • Being required to apologize in person and/or in writing for violations

  • Meeting and discussion with administrator or board member. 

4. Parent Involvement

Parental involvement is vital for our classes to run smoothly and important in creating a strong community.

  • Volunteer Requirements: Parents of middle and high school students are expected to volunteer several time per year at the front check-in desk for either a morning or afternoon shift [exceptions include teachers and parents of enrolled elementary students]. This shift may be performed by either a parent or by another adult family member such as a grandparent. Families who do not complete their volunteer responsibilities may not be allowed to register for classes the following year.

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parents will attend any requested meetings to stay informed about their child’s progress and to collaborate with teachers on any concerns.

  • Class Materials, Internet, and Books: Students must have reliable internet and printer capabilities throughout the year. Many classes also require students to be able to scan their homework to a PDF format for online submission. This can be done with a desktop scanner or a smartphone/tablet application. Parents are responsible for obtaining all classroom materials including textbooks before the beginning of the semester. 

  • Support for School Policies: Parents understand that by enrolling their child they agree to uphold and support the policies and procedures set forth by CHEB.

  • Student Code of Conduct: Parents agree to help their child uphold the school’s code of conduct, which includes respect for teachers, staff, fellow students, and property. Conduct both in and out of class may be considered in determining continued participation in the program

  • Disciplinary Procedures: Parents will support the school’s disciplinary process. If a behavioral incident is reported, the parents will be contacted by a member of the board.

5. Financial Responsibility

Parents are responsible for ensuring that membership, tuition fees, and any additional costs (such as material fees, field trips, socials, etc.) are paid in full and on time.

  • Tuition and Fees: Parents agree to pay the membership and tuition fees in accordance with the school’s payment schedule.

  • Late Fees: Parents understand that late payments may result in additional fees, and continued non-payment could affect their child’s enrollment status.

  • Refunds: Parents understand the membership fee is nonrefundable. There are no refunds for class fees after the due date of July 1, 2025. Field trip and socials refunds are left to the discretion of the Field Trip Coordinator.

  • Property Damage: Parents agree to pay the cost for any repairs necessary due to damage of property by their student.

  • Field Trips: Members agree to be the responsible party for any additional family members they bring along to any CHEB-organized field trip. This includes payment for the field trip and any additional costs/fees that occur during the field trip. If anyone in their party is asked to leave the field trip for inappropriate behavior or misuse/damage of property, the CHEB Member will forfeit their fee and be financially responsible for any damages that occurred.